Dokkan battle snake way event
Dokkan battle snake way event

Plan to Eradicate the HERO Event ~April 28th Plan to Eradicate the HERO Event ~The Carnage Counterattacks~ ~April 28th The Strongest Fathers-Sons Gasha ~April 25th The 10th Tenkaichi Budoukai will be opened from April 21st to the 24th. Passive Skill: Ki+2 for AGL and STR types. Leader Skill: HP and ATK increase 30% for AGL and STR types. Passive Skill: Allies' ATK increases 2000 when the ki meter is 5 or higher. Passive Skill: Turns PHY orbs into rainbow ones, nullifies "Rampage". Leader Skill: ATK increases 5% for every ki orb popped. Passive Skill: ATK increases 60% when the ki meter is 7 or higher. Leader Skill: Ki+2 for TEQ, STR and PHY types. Passive Skill: Ki+2 for STR and PHY types. Leader Skill: HP and ATK increase 30% for STR and PHY types. Passive Skill: ATK and DEF increase 25% for STR types. Leader Skill: ATK increases 25% for every type. New - STR Super Saiyajin 2 Trunks (Adult) (SSR) Passive Skill: ATK increases 70% when HP is at 30% or higher. Leader Skill: ATK increases 50% for PHY types. If you multi-summon, you'll get 1 guaranteed SR or higher. There's a 30 Stones, one-time only, multi-summon version. 1 Dragon Stone for clearing every difficulty (1 in total).Ģ new characters. Plan to Eradicate the HERO Event - April 28th

dokkan battle snake way event

Plan to Eradicate the HERO Event ~The Carnage Counterattacks~ - April 28th

dokkan battle snake way event

Huh, you sure it's TEQ? The only SSR Piccolos right now are the old PHY one and the one at Baba's. Wezenheim wrote:I got the TEQ one, actually!

Dokkan battle snake way event